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FMP - Week 5 (Valkyrie)

Head Redo and Wings

Day 1-3

So I had decided to bake and texture this week but instead I want to get all the wings finished and sorted before I begin to texture the whole thing as I didnt want to keep going back on myself and redoing things.

So last week I was trying to bake my high poly feathers I had made in Zbrush on a plane and I was getting a lot of errors. Turns out it was because the fibre mesh was too small and thin so the rays were missing and not baking anything at all.

So I spoke to Craig and Mike who suggested I put a feather shaped plane behind the high poly feather so the rays will hit something. Here's what the bake turned out like:

So this still wasn't what I wanted and I decided to try rendering from Zbrush as everything looked as it should in there. I used the render as a height map to create my normals etc. And it worked! I just used a black background with flat colour material and white colour. I took the test render into bitmap to material and the normal looked amazing. This is the render:

I then put all the renders into a photoshop file and placed them over the uv's and then used bitmap to create my AO and normal for each and put them into substance (With a really rough texture please don't judge).

So I was also super unhappy with the face which I've decided to redo. This is where I got to yesterday.

I asked for critique from Shane and I got a lot of helpful feedback. For example:

The brow lines need defining a bit more ,

Watch where the skull goes in behind and above the zygomatic arch/ process, yours is bulging out a little.

Day 1-3

This is after I made changes.

So i've basically finished the main shapes of the face now, I will start to add detailing today and im also making the wings. I've created an insert multi mesh brush for the feathers i made and am no placing them and tweaking them all to make the wings. here is a very early screenshot of what I'm doing.

I've shown the ones i have tweaked and moved around compared to the default imm feather.

End of Thursday and I'm happy with the shape of the wings currently:

So I just exported the wing with the feathers that i ahd previously unwrapped in max and imported it into substance painter to see what it looks like and what i need to change etc. Lo and behold for some reason the wings are no longer unwrapped ahhh. So I can either find a way to fix this or I'm going to have to manually unwrap each bloomin feather and match up to the texture ugh. So frustrating when things like this happen and i lose more time I can't spare.

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